Hittrax League
We have a unique opportunity to offer again a fall hitting league using a HitTrax system. The HitTrax system "gamifies" batting practice by simulating baseball play and allowing teams to compete against each other in a fun environment!
How it works:
4-6 players will be joined together to form a team to compete against other teams each week.
Matchups will consist of two 6 inning games each week (games last 25-30 minutes). In the simulated game, each team will bat until the side is retired, then the opposing team hits, until all innings are completed and a winner is determined. Total time for each matchup will be approx 1 hour.
The HitTrax system measures the exit velocity, hit direction, and launch angle to simulate where the ball is put in play. As a result, batters may hit singles, doubles, etc. or strikeout, popout, groundout, etc. Defense is simulated by the software. All action is shown on a projection screen for the players and parents to see the action unfold!
100% of proceeds, less a small portion for fees paid to HitTrax to operate the league, will be donated to the Stonemen organization!
Click here for a short video that demonstrates the gameplay.

Age groups will be determined depending on the number of signups with the intention of grouping similar ages together to balance competition.
The coach/adult league will occur on 4 Saturdays in October: 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, and 10/28. Matchups will begin after 5p and last about an hour.
The youth league will occur during 4 Sundays in October: 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, and 10/29. Times TBD, but each matchup lasts about an hour.
Knowing other fall sports may present conflicts, we will do our best to accommodate scheduling requests.
The HitTrax League will be held at the Quarry.
For Stonemen, the cost is $62 per player, $83 for the coaches/adult players
For Non-Stonemen, the cost is $65 per player, $85 for the coaches/adult players
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We are not currently accepting registrations for this program.